Finding Resources to Help Job Seekers in Akron, Ohio

Are you looking for employment resources in Akron, Ohio? Look no further than OhioMeansJobs Summit County! This comprehensive employment resource center offers a full range of free services to job seekers and businesses. Led by the Akron Urban League in collaboration with local community agencies, the center provides assistance in preparing resumes, completing applications, preparing for interviews, and determining if community work is appropriate for an individual. The Career Clothing Closet is a great resource for those who need business suits, dresses, shoes, accessories, or other work attire suitable for interviews or any other professional occasion. Thanks to generous donations from community members, this service provides professional clothing, shoes and accessories for free.

Work settings help people hone their skills in a variety of work environments to facilitate the transition to a new job. The Akron Urban League provides job seekers with the tools and support they need to achieve successful employment and get quality work with a living wage and benefits. OhioMeansJobs Summit County has an in-house team of business services consultants and recruiters whose primary goal is to help you find talented candidates who fit your company's needs. It can offer job search services, which allow people to observe real work to ensure that it fits their vocational goals. The OhioMeansJobs Summit County is your go-to source for employment resources in Akron, Ohio.

From resume preparation to job search services, this comprehensive employment resource center has everything you need to find the perfect job. The Career Clothing Closet is also a great resource for those who need professional attire for interviews or other professional occasions. With the help of generous donations from community members, this service provides free clothing, shoes and accessories. Additionally, the Akron Urban League provides job seekers with the tools and support they need to achieve successful employment and get quality work with a living wage and benefits. If you're looking for employment resources in Akron, Ohio, OhioMeansJobs Summit County is your one-stop shop.

With its comprehensive range of services and resources, you'll be sure to find the perfect job. Don't forget to take advantage of the Career Clothing Closet too!.